Good news! The rights for the Clash of the Tartans romantic comedy series have reverted to me. I'll be republishing the stories under my own imprint beginning March 1st with Kilty Secrets and Kilted At the Altar.
HOLD THE PHONE! Amazon has thrown a wrench into things which has delayed Kilted at the Altar. To date, Kilty Secrets is the only one available.
Here's a rundown of the series.
Six romantic comedies that look at the lighter side of clan feuding.
Kilty Secrets: As the chief's second son, Ewan MacKinloch resents being offered up as the sacrificial lamb in a marriage arranged to end a 300-year feud with the MacCarrons.
Kilted at the Altar: Darroch MacKeegan vows revenge when his intended bride, Isabel MacRain, fails to show up for a marriage arranged to settle the long feud between their clans.
Kilty Pleasures: Broderick Maxwell is drawn to Kyla MacKeegan from their first inauspicious meeting. But a union between a Highlander and a Lowlander would never work.
Kilty Party: Secret tunnels, benign ghosts, and ruined castles—the ingredients of a mystery. Right? Except Kilty Party is a romantic comedy.
Kilts in the Wind: An amusing and heartwarming tale of mistaken identity, a derelict windmill, and a wee lad who eats like a horse.
Kilts Ahoy!: Sworn enemies, Clan MacCray and Clan Robson live within sight of each other on a clifftop in Caithness. Marshall Robson proposes to end the feud by suggesting a marriage between his elder brother and the daughter of the enemy clan—but then he meets her.
Watch for new covers and fully edited and improved stories.
